четверг, 7 марта 2019 г.


If I were asked about the worst mistake made by Russian regional officials in speaking and presenting, I would say that they usually come up with presentations that are too wordy and disorganized. They simply don’t know how to produce a clear and concise text on a particular topic.
Why is it so?
I’ve personally heard heads of regional local offices give their speeches at Moscow venues. On many occasions they tried to talk about everything at once. It's a mishmash of irrelevant information and half-baked ideas.
It seems like what they were thinking was “Wow! This is my hour of glory! This is my chance to show myself off to the Big Bosses here in the capital! I shall do it in detail!”
No structure, no general idea, no clear message, and no timing. That’s what it very often looks like.
What would my advice be?
First of all, to part with the notion that anyone could be interested in local events and updates unless they present a new approach in management or innovative technologies that could be applied in other regions.
One clear message is all they need as a core of the speech. For example, “I shall now demonstrate to you that I have achieved great results using unconventional management” – that would do. All other parts and elements of the speech are only there to support the message.
“Firstly…, secondly…, finally…” – there have to be well-structured ideas and examples to form a clear and palatable story.
And last but not least, they must not forget about timing. Timing is crucial. A speaker must not make his audience suffer.
And thus I am ending your suffering and my speech.

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