среда, 16 августа 2017 г.

Is there an alternative?

34fd354.gifConsidering my previous posts about freedom of speech, it should be said that one of the saddest aspects of Russians’ views on media coverage is that they can’t see any decent alternative outside the country.
By mid-'80s a sustainable myth was formed about free press in the West. People of the late USSR were convinced that the USA and Europe were a home of true democracy and justice.
The experience of the following 30 years destroyed those beliefs. Take the latest elections in the US or the Brexit campaign which both have clearly shown that European and American media can also play dirty games, manipulating people's minds.
Some of media outlets use the same intonation as the most affected Russian show-propagandist Dmitry Kisselev. Rather than just informing people about current events, they strive to make the public think and act in particular ways.
“Brexit caused by low levels of education”, 'Enjoy your miserable life on your island’ – these are among the milder examples that you could come across in the sea of biased and insulting headlines.
Isn't it a good excuse for Russian media managers to say that propagandistic style is now standard worldwide? And now we face a new storm of myths about Western Media which are now seen as opposing. Exaggerated Political Correctness which hampers objectivity, total anti-Russian brainwashing, manipulative and aggressive propaganda against “traditional values” - those are a few things that many Russians now think of American and European everyday news agenda. A horrifying migration crisis, confusing far-left statements of European politicians, a war-like rhetoric of American military experts - all of these are welcome guests in Russian headlines.
Should Western media be concerned about their reputation in non-Western countries? I believe that professional reflection must be part of daily routine of media society. It is crucial for genuine freedom of speech all over the world.
#freedomofspeech #freedomofexpressoin #writing #politics #tv #propaganda

четверг, 3 августа 2017 г.

Massive lies on TV. How long can people stand it?

It’s no secret that most of the so-called ‘talk shows’ are based on poorly written scripts and have no connection with reality. Editors hire actors to play roles of passionate speakers. These ‘fakesperts’ pretend to be popular American or European activists or academic figures, and do their best to behave as aggressively as possible, making anti-Russian statements right in the studio. The other part of speakers ‘defend’ national historic honor, burning the opponents with their sarcastic replies. Every drama needs a conflict; every show needs a scandal – those are the rules.
The viewer is expected to watch that storm of emotions and to experience a flood of patriotism, righteous anger and hunger for revenge. That is what the producers think people need.
Hate-speech, primitive and generalized statements, black-and-white pictures of the world and other bigotry – this is what feeds people’s minds on a hard day’s night. It goes without saying, that this kind of TV production is part of the strategy. It keeps people busy with Ukraine, Syria, and scheming operations of the US Department of State rather than the day-to-day problems of their neighborhood, town, and region.
However, here comes another question. Do people deserve to be treated like ‘sheeple’?
I think they do. If you abandon critical thinking, if you prefer a convenience over truth, then you’re helping to deceive yourself. Serves you right!
We are living in an open world and there is no excuse for those who cannot find objective information. At times, the real picture is right under your nose. Just google the word “propaganda” and find an article called “Confessions of a Propagandist” that talks about the system of political TV in detail. If you really need the information about how it works, you have just to lift your finger, quite literally. Otherwise, you do not deserve any sympathy living in your run-down provincial town.
#freedomofspeech #telegram #freedomofexpressoin #writing #politics #tv #propaganda