понедельник, 9 сентября 2019 г.

A word’s space

A word has its own territory, and the brighter the word, the more space it requires. This means that if you use a word like for example "eminent", the next time you can use it again will come no sooner than in the next paragraph or even the next chapter.

Words are sometimes behave very similarly to people. Some of them are just feel too important and want more space – a bigger house and a longer car. To draw another analogy, a word can behave like a glamourous lady who cannot stand another woman wearing the same dress at a party.

Some words are more simple-minded and they don’t mind if their identical twin is lounging in the next line. Take the word "known" as an example. You can use it more often than other, more pretentious adjectives like "distinguished" or "renowned".

Or take the simple word "word" that I have used so many times in this short text without hurting its feelings. 

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