понедельник, 26 августа 2019 г.

Why book writers fail

You will never write a book if your objective is just "to write a book".

There are many people who’ve got interesting views and thoughts on this world, ideas worth listening to, even intriguing plots and narratives, but they fail to put them all in a form of a freshly scented book.

- I’m going to write a book

- What do you want to say with it?

- Well, I just want to systematize all my life experiences and…

- It doesn’t work this way, sorry, you’re never going to write a book.

Most people who think they want to write a book just dream about the moment when they are signing a copy for a nice-looking lady or a man or for some object of passion or professional jealousy.

Indeed, some of these dreamers start writing or drawing a structure, or even finish the first chapter, but sooner or later they are stuck in the middle of a page… How come?

They have no real aim, they make no real steps forward. When you have nothing to say, you can say nothing.

Before you start typing a title you need to feel eager to deliver a message. You can only write a good book if your idea and premise are clear and drive your creativity.

- I want to tell older people who live alone how to organize their time better. I know that most of them suffer badly from a lack of purpose.

- Write a book.

- So I shall!

So they shall, because the idea is clear and even the category of potential audience is quite obvious. Now the task remains to put everything on paper. 

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