пятница, 21 июля 2017 г.


Today we have access to a variety of public communication instruments. Everyone has an opportunity to express their views and deliver their texts to thousands of potential followers.
One of the newest public information tools is Telegram that provides an option of having your personal channel. What is a Telegram channel? It is a stream of posts that you can send as if you are texting your friend, but it can be received by everyone who joins your channel. No comments, no interaction, only your posts, information, views, links, pictures and stuff.
Its simplicity attracts users, especially in particular countries. In Iran, for instance, Telegram channels are extremely popular, and one channel can have 10 million or even more followers. During the last election campaign, Telegram was one of the main sources of political information for Iranians.
How come?
The thing is, a Telegram channel conceals your profile. Most of the channels are anonymous, and it would be very challenging for the authorities to reveal the real authors.
Here in Russia we also can see a significant influence of Telegram channels, especially among experts who create political agenda. The most popular genre is an insight channel that looks like a source of current information leaking from the top. There are 4 or 5 channels considered as headliners, and often their posts cause havoc.
But even such a simple and effective instrument has its weakness. These days, only a lazy politician doesn't own a Telegram channel. Experts and institutions are also following the trend. So if you are involved in politics, your feed will be flooded with a deluge of their messages. One way or another, you will have to deal with a mess of contradictory information. Needless to say, it's the quality that suffers.
Mess and cacophony are the first enemies of free speech.
#freedomofspeech #telegram #freedomofexpressoin #socialnetworks #writing #politics

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